Bird Dog Self Tightening Prop System for TBS 900KV V2
Bird Dog Self Tightening Prop System for TBS 900KV (Version 2)
You asked and we answered! We have redesigned the Self Tightening system to be 100% compatibile with DJI props! So you can now fit the Phantom2 props, or say the E300 props directly onto the TBS 900Kv motors! NICE!!!
We also have released a new 9×5 carbon prop to match! 🙂
Sick of having to deal with nylock nuts etc on your Disco or Disco Pro? Yep – Us too!! So we decided to release an easier method!
Introducing the Bird Dog Self Tightening Prop System for TBS 900Kv V2 Motors.
These adapters will fit straight on to the TBS 900Kv V2 motors and make life so much easier getting props on and off your machine. Especially if you have the Disco in a flight case!
2 x Bird Dog Self Tightening CW Adapters for TBS 900KV
2 x Bird Dog Self Tightening CCW Adapters for TBS 900KV
2 x Bird Dog Self Tightening CW 9×5 Carbon Props
2 x Bird Dog Self Tightening CCW 9×5 Carbon Props
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